A-10, 30th St., Bet. 70th and 71st St.,Chan Aye Thazan.Tsp, Mandalay

  09-43101747 , 09-402704475


  239, Banyar Dala Rd., Tamwe .Tsp, Yangon

  09-5159707 , 09-5180880

  100, Shwe Wutt Hmone Housing, Thabyay St., North Okkalapa.Tsp, Yangon


  413, Zeyar 10th St., (10) Ward,South Okkalapa .Tsp, Yangon

  09-401515501 , 09-252635042


  4142, Yarzahtarni St., Paung Laung (2).Pyinmana .Tsp, Nay Pyi Taw


  3/76, Hninsi St., Bet. Sein Pann and Cherry St.Amarapura .Tsp, Mandalay

  02-70744 , 09-6500681

  6/B, Yadanar St., Cor. of Lalyar 6th St.,Thaketa.Tsp, Yangon




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